Back to school shopping is in full swing!
Be sure to do any shopping you would normally use Amazon for through Amazon Smile at and select Allenwood Elementary PTG as your charity. When you do this, Amazon donates $$ back to Allenwood!
Last year Allenwood earned $200.49 from you online purchases through Amazon smile.
A simple and automatic way for you to earn the PTG 0.5% of your purchases every time you shop.
1. Go to smile.
2. Sign in to your Amazon account
3. Search for and select “Allenwood Elementary PTG”
4. Shop!

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Allenwood’s list is now available. Click on the link below for all the details. ** Please scroll through all the pages. It is more extensive this year and includes lists for all students and also broken down by grade.**

Our sale is going on now thru Thursday, September 3, 2020.
To order, visit:
When checking out, please select “school delivery.” More information to follow regarding porch pickup.
New this year: Be sure to check out the Allenwood Dragons face masks. Child and adult sizes are available.
Email or
$20.00 per calendar, 40 chances to win!
Click the link below to buy your ticket(s).
Gift cards valued $25.00- $100.00.
Winning tickets will be drawn at 7pm on 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 12/4, and 12/11. Five (5) tickets will be pulled on these dates, one (1) for each day of the week.
Your calendar(s) with ticket number(s) will be mailed to you. The Zoom link will be posted on and the PTG Facebook page on the designated drawing days. Contact with any questions.
*** When you feel like taking a break from cooking, please consider ordering from these restaurants. These local businesses generously donated their gift cards to our Designer Bag Bingo event that was cancelled in March. We thank them for their continued support.***

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