Week of 10/9 at Allenwood

Week of 10/9 at Allenwood

Hello Allenwood Families!

This past week the students participated in the Week of Respect and worked with Mrs. Smyth on lessons in the classrooms.

Our 3rd Annual Dragonfest was a HUGE success!! Thank you to everyone who came out in the warm October weather to support our cause. A BIG thank you to Marisa Williams, Tara Nash and Tracy Nitche and everyone that volunteered their time to creating such a fantastic event!
We are another step closer in our playground for our Dragons!

Our October PTG Newsletter was sent home with students.  Need an additional copy?

Congratulations to our Class Parent Organizers (CPO) for the school year:

Please read on to learn about what is happening this week at Allenwood!

Square1 Art Fundraiser
During the week our Square1 Art and Art Appreciation volunteers will be working with our students getting our holiday themed masterpieces started. Square1 is a favorite Allenwood fundraiser with unique products for the precious art work that our children have made. Any questions, contact Susan DeSimone,

Yankee Candle Fundraiser
Orders due by Wednesday, October 11th. Great gift ideas for the holidays! Any questions, contact Megan McCay at

PTG Meeting (CPO Meeting at 6:30 pm)
Join us Thursday, 10/12 at 7 pm in the Cafeteria. We will discuss our events, fundraisers, and share ideas for the school year. This is a wonderful way to find out what is happening at our school from the PTG’s perspective. See you there!

BYOP (Bring Your Own Pumpkin)/Trunk or Treat, Friday, 10/27 from 5:30-7pm
We are looking for some “trunks”, “trick or treaters” and some carved jack-o-lanterns for Allenwood’s traditional BYOP event! Sign up info:

Looking Ahead:
10/16-10/20-School Unity Week, Details:
10/17-Bubbakoo’s Burritos Dining Out Initiative, from 11am-9pm, at the Manasquan location
10/18-Trunk Sign Up-Due Date for Trunk or Treat
10/19 & 10/20-Dragon’s Den School Store, Thursday & Friday, Shopping Schedule:
10/20-Wristband Sale Orders Due for Trunk or Treat
10/27 -Spirit Day
Book Fair Set-Up
BYOP/Trunk or Treat, 5:30-7pm
10/30-Book Fair Preview Day
10/31-Halloween Parade, 2pm, Halloween Parties throughout the day

Have a great week!

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