A former Allenwood alumni will be collecting toys for Toys for Tots from now until Friday, December 8th.
New unopened toys can be dropped off at the Allenwood School Main Office or sent in with your child.
Questions? Please contact Kathi Croson at


Support Allenwood while Shopping!

Holiday Shopping on Amazon? Login to Amazon Smile (it’s the same as your Amazon login) and designate “Allenwood Elementary PTG” as your charity!

Login to Amazon Smile (it’s the same as your Amazon login) and designate “Allenwood Elementary PTG” as your charity and then simply make a purchase through Amazon Smile. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases to Allenwood PTG whenever you shop on Amazon Smile.

Amazon Smile is a simple and automatic way for you to support the Allenwood PTG  every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Allenwood PTG.

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Dragon News:Week of 11/27

Hello Allenwood Families!  We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Friday, 12/1 is Spirit Day!
Be sure to wear your green and white or spirit wear!

Square One Art
Orders can still be placed, ONLINE ONLY. Orders will be delivered to the classrooms before the holiday break.  Please contact Susan DeSimone at with any questions.

December Dining Out
Our next Dining Out initiative will be announced shortly! More details to follow.

Holiday Shop
The holidays are right around the corner and so is our annual Holiday Shop. This year the Shop will be open on Tuesday, December 5-Thursday, December 7. We invite everyone to shop on Thursday, December 7 from 5-7 pm.
We are looking for volunteers to help the students shop and wrap the special purchases at the Holiday Shop. The shop will be open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:30-2:00 AND Thursday night 5-7pm. Please sign up at to help or contact Susan DeSimone The kids love to shop and their excitement will certainly get you into the holiday spirit!!

Allenwood Holiday Ornament
Show your Allenwood Spirit and decorate for the holidays with an Allenwood Elementary School Holiday Ornament! More details to follow!

Allenwood Yearbook Sales!
It’s time to order! $30 per hardcover book includes large full color pages and lots of candid photos. Books are for sale ONLINE ONLY now thru February 23, 2018. To guarantee your child a book, you MUST order by 2/23/18 for delivery during the last few days of the school year.
Special add on features are also available, including custom naming, icons and a clear photo pocket for keepsakes. Customization is done through the yearbook purchase before adding it to your cart.
To purchase your book, you must order it online. A link to the yearbook website can be found on, on the District website under the Allenwood tab on the Wall Backpack or you may use the link below to purchase your book.

Holiday Spirit Week-December 18-22!
The holiday season is here! Allenwood is celebrating with a Holiday Themed Spirit Week from December 18-22! Gather your items together soon for a less stressful week ahead!
Please see the schedule below for the December’s Spirit Week as determined by the District.

Starting any holiday shopping on Amazon? Login to Amazon Smile (it’s the same as your Amazon login) and designate “Allenwood Elementary PTG” as your charity and then simply make a purchase through Amazon Smile. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Allenwood PTG whenever you shop on AmazonSmile.

Have a great week and thank you for your support of the Allenwood PTG!

Looking Ahead:
12/1-Spirit Day
12-5-12/7-Holiday Shop
12/6-AW Holiday Concert, 7pm
12/7-Holiday Shop Night Event, 5-7pm
12/14-PTG Meeting, 7pm
12/18-12/22-Holiday Spirit Week
12/21-Winter Class Parties
12/22-Spirit Day
12/23-Winter Recess Starts
12/28-House of Bounce Family Fun Event

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Thankful Turkeys!

Created by our thankful Third Graders and Mr. Todd!


Holiday Spirit Week-December 18-22!

The holiday season is here! Please see the schedule below for the December’s Spirit Week as determined by the District.


Dragon News: Week of 11/20 at Allenwood

Hello Allenwood Families!
Thank you to everyone who donated to our Clothing Drive, had a meal at FINS or enjoyed pretzels and popcorn!! Special thanks to Heather Hunt, Courtney Alesso, and Courtney Koblan for organizing these events.

Square1 Art Fundraiser
It’s not too late to order your one of a kind holiday treasures. Paper orders MUST be received the Main Office by Wednesday (11/22) and will be delivered before the holidays. Please contact Susan DeSimone, with questions.

Yankee Candle Fundraiser
If you participated in the Yankee Candle Fundraiser, please contact Megan McCay at ASAP to arrange for pickup!

School is CLOSED Thursday and Friday for the Thanksgiving Holiday.

While preparing Thanksgiving Feasts, be sure to clip any Box Tops you might come across and save your TerraCycle items!

Starting any holiday shopping on Amazon? Login to Amazon Smile (it’s the same as your Amazon login) and designate “Allenwood Elementary PTG” as your charity and then simply make a purchase through Amazon Smile. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Allenwood PTG whenever you shop on AmazonSmile.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, the PTG Executive Board would like to thank all the hardworking and dedicated PTG members, volunteers, Allenwood teachers and staff for donating your time, skills, knowledge, and financial support in order to benefit every student and their families. Special thank you to those who have stepped up to be PTG chairpersons. We wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Allenwood Yearbook Sales!

It’s time to order! $30 per hardcover book includes large full color pages and lots of candid photos. Books are for sale ONLINE ONLY now thru February 23, 2018. To guarantee your child a book, you MUST order by 2/23/18 for delivery during the last few days of the school year.
Special add on features are also available, including custom naming, icons and a clear photo pocket for keepsakes. Customization is done through the yearbook purchase before adding it to your cart.
To purchase your book, you must order it online. A link to the yearbook website can be found on, on the District website under the Allenwood tab on the Wall Backpack or you may use the link below to purchase your book.
Questions? Please contact Melissa Wells,

Holiday Shop
The holidays are right around the corner and so is our annual Holiday Shop. This year the Shop will be open on Tuesday, December 5- 7. We invite everyone to shop on Thursday, December 7 from 5-7 pm.
We are looking for volunteers to help the students shop and wrap the special purchases at the Holiday Shop. The shop will be open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:30-2:00. If you have time, sign up at to help or contact Susan DeSimone The kids love to shop and their excitement will certainly get you into the holiday spirit!!

Miniature Donations Needed for Allenwood Family Liaison Counselor!
We are in need of some donations to refresh and replenish items used for Sandtray Therapy at Allenwood by our Family Liaison Counselor, Amanda Smyth. Sandtray Therapy is a tool to support students with social and emotional issues. It helps to address virtually any issue one may be dealing with from anxiety and depression, to loss of a loved one, issues surrounding divorce, self-esteem and problem solving, just to name a few.
We are in need of “miniatures” to go along with the sand trays currently used within the school. Miniatures are everything in our real world and every that can exist in a fantasy or story telling world in miniature form. A student uses the figures to create a world in the sand and through that process of building the world they work through issues. It’s truly an amazing process and is quite therapeutic. There aren’t any items that wouldn’t work for Sandtray Therapy, items don’t have to be toys they can be anything, there are no limits, the following would help to make a comprehensive collection. If you have any of the following items or similar items to donate please send it into the school with your child in a bag labeled Amanda Smyth.
Household: figurines, trinkets, old souvenirs, doll house type furniture-kitchen, bedroom, bathroom sets, food items, sport items, hearts, weapons, game pieces, seasonal decorations, electric candles, treasure, treasure chests, foreign coins,
Animals: farm, safari, insects, fish, sea life, lizards, snakes, reptiles, large figured predators, dinosaurs, birds, pets, fairytale/imaginary animals such as dragons
People: sport figures, cartoon characters, action figures, super heroes, princesses, fairies, any and all real and imaginary/fairytale figures, wizards, witches, zombies, monsters, knights, pirates, religious figures and symbols, angels, community workers, military, figurines/knickknacks, bride and grooms
Nature: trees, rocks- polished and rough, flowers, caves, crystals, geodes, gems, sea glass, shells, marbles, glass stones
Buildings/structures: homes, schools, fences, bridges, tent, church, temple, castles
Vehicles: boats, airplane, helicopter, motorcycle, bicycle, cars, trucks, traffic signs, wagons
Please note: Glass and delicate items are welcome, it encourages the students to be mindful when handling objects. (These items should be dropped off in the Main Office by parents)
For some images to give a better idea of the array of what is used click here->
Again, donations can be sent to school with your child or dropped in the Main Office in a bag labeled Amanda Smyth. Questions? Contact Amanda Smyth
Thank you in advance for your help!

Lego Donations Needed for School Library!
The Allenwood Elementary School is seeking donations of Legos for students to use to create and design maker projects. Donations of pieces from incomplete kits would be fine and very much appreciated! Please bring any donations into the Main Office in a bag labeled “Library.”
Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions. Thank you!
Kris Morano
Librarian, Allenwood Elementary School

Clothing Donations needed for Nurse’s Office
If you have any clean, gently used adjustable/drawstring pants for GIRLS, Nurse Kristen would appreciate the donation! Feel free to send in these items with your child with a note attached stating that they are for the school nurse. Questions – kguinee@wall.k12.nj.u

Looking Ahead:
11/20-Yearbook Online Sales Start
11/22-Square1 Art Orders Due
11/23-11/24-School Closed-Thanksgiving
12/1-Spirit Day
12-5-12/7-Holiday Shop
12/6-AW Holiday Concert, 7pm
12/7-Holiday Shop Night Event, 5-7pm
12/14-PTG Meeting, 7pm
12/21-Winter Class Parties
12/22-Spirit Day
12/23-Winter Recess Starts
12/28-House of Bounce Family Fun Event

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Holiday Shop Volunteers Needed!


Lego Donations Needed for School Library!

The Allenwood Elementary School is seeking donations of Legos for students to use to create and design maker projects. Donations of pieces from incomplete kits would be fine and very much appreciated!  Please bring any donations into the Main Office in a bag labeled “Library.”
Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.  Thank you!
Kris Morano
Librarian, Allenwood Elementary School

Shown below:

Student designed project created during maker space activity in library last year.



Annual Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast

A Kindergarten Favorite-The Annual Thanksgiving Feast!
The wonderful Kindergarten teachers, staff and parents made sure the students had full bellies celebrating and sharing their favorite foods.


Square1 Art Fundraiser Coming Home Soon!

In School Orders must be turned in to the Main Office by 11/22! (No late orders can be accepted.) Convenient ways to order include by phone, on-line or sending checks made payable to Square One Art into School with the order form (please INCLUDE 7% sales tax). With On-Line and phone orders, major credit cards accepted.
Preview the custom keepsakes at
Our children’s artwork make GREAT gifts for the holidays!


Thank You!

Thank you to everyone that participated in our November dining out initiative and enjoyed their meal at FINS yesterday! We appreciate your support!


Miniature Donations Needed for Allenwood Family Liaison Counselor!

We are in need of some donations to refresh and replenish items used for Sandtray Therapy at Allenwood by our Family Liaison Counselor, Amanda Smyth. Sandtray Therapy is a tool to support students with social and emotional issues. It helps to address virtually any issue one may be dealing with from anxiety and depression, to loss of a loved one, issues surrounding divorce, self-esteem and problem solving, just to name a few.
We are in need of “miniatures” to go along with the sand trays currently used within the school. Miniatures are everything in our real world and every that can exist in a fantasy or story telling world in miniature form. A student uses the figures to create a world in the sand and through that process of building the world they work through issues. It’s truly an amazing process and is quite therapeutic.  There aren’t any items that wouldn’t work for Sandtray Therapy, items don’t have to be toys they can be anything, there are no limits, the following would help to make a comprehensive collection. If you have any of the following items or similar items to donate please send it into the school with your child in a bag labeled Amanda Smyth.

Household: figurines, trinkets, old souvenirs, doll house type furniture-kitchen, bedroom, bathroom sets, food items, sport items, hearts, weapons, game pieces, seasonal decorations, electric candles, treasure, treasure chests, foreign coins,
Animals: farm, safari, insects, fish, sea life, lizards, snakes, reptiles, large figured predators, dinosaurs, birds, pets, fairytale/imaginary animals such as dragons
People: sport figures, cartoon characters, action figures, super heroes, princesses, fairies, any and all real and imaginary/fairytale figures, wizards, witches, zombies, monsters, knights, pirates, religious figures and symbols, angels, community workers, military, figurines/knickknacks, bride and grooms
Nature: trees, rocks- polished and rough, flowers, caves, crystals, geodes, gems, sea glass, shells, marbles, glass stones
Buildings/structures: homes, schools, fences, bridges, tent, church, temple, castles
Vehicles: boats, airplane, helicopter, motorcycle, bicycle, cars, trucks, traffic signs, wagons

Please note: Glass and delicate items are welcome, it encourages the students to be mindful when handling objects. (These items should be dropped off in the Main Office by parents)

For some images to give a better idea of the array of what is used click here->

Again, donations can be sent to school with your child or dropped in the Main Office in a bag labeled Amanda Smyth.  Questions? Contact Amanda Smyth
Thank you in advance for your help!


FINS for Lunch, Dinner or Both! A delicious and easy way to support the PTG!

FINS Dining Out Initiative is tomorrow from 11:00am to 9:30pm! Please see the flyer below!


Dragon News:Week of 11/13 at Allenwood

Hello Allenwood Families! Hope everyone enjoyed the break!

This week-Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are 1:05 dismissals. Make sure to send your student in with a snack as NO lunch will be served.

MONDAY, November 13 is the LAST day for orders for our 1/2 day Pretzel & Popcorn Sale.  Order form here.

Our Dining Out initiative continues this TUESDAY, November 14 at any FINS location, 11am-9:30pm. Go for lunch, dinner or both!! It’s a delicious and easy way to support the PTG!

For those students who missed picture day or would like a re-take, make up picture day is scheduled for TUESDAY, November 14.

WEDNESDAY is Pretzel & Popcorn Sale delivery day at Allenwood. If your child would like pretzels from Philly Soft Pretzel Factory or individual bags of SkinnyPop, orders must be sent into school by this MONDAY. No same day orders will be taken. The order form can be found on

THURSDAY is the Annual Thanksgiving Feast for our Kindergarten classes.

FRIDAY is a big day this week-
FRIDAY is our Clothing Drive. Drop off will be in the rear parking lot between 4-7pm. It’s a win-win for everyone- you get a clean closet and Allenwood will receive a donation for the total poundage collected.

FRIDAY is the last day to drop off all cans and non-perishable items can be dropped off in the Main Office for the Thanksgiving Food Drive organized by the Fourth Grade Staff.
If you participated in the Yankee Candle Fundraiser, pickup is also on FRIDAY from 4-7pm at 2388 Orchard Crest Blvd. Questions? Contact Megan McCay at 732-535-2936 or

Square1 Art Fundraiser
Please check backpacks for your child’s custom Square1 Art catalog that will coming home soon featuring their HOLIDAY artwork. Won’t you help make your child feel like an accomplished
artist by purchasing keepsakes for the whole family containing their masterpiece? They make great holiday gifts and Allenwood earns profit from every order! And as a thank you for participating, each child receives a sheet of stickers imprinted with their artwork – absolutely FREE!
Watch for more details about the campaign and order deadlines. All online and paper order forms must be turned in by the due date on your child’s custom catalog. (No late orders can be accepted.) Convenient ways to order include by phone, on-line or sending checks made payable to Square One Art into School with the order form (please include 7% sales tax). With On-Line and phone orders, major credit cards accepted. Our children’s artwork make great gifts for the holidays!

Clothing Donations needed for Nurse’s Office
If you have any clean, gently used adjustable/drawstring pants in sizes for K-5, Nurse Kristen would appreciate the donation! Feel free to send in these items with your child with a note attached stating that they are for the school nurse. Questions –

Get important updates in the way that’s most convenient for you with the Remind App!
We have launched Allenwood PTG Remind notifications as of November 1st. “Remind” is a free secure app that can be downloaded to any iPhone or Android device. To participate in receiving Allenwood PTG text message reminders, simply text 81010 with the message @allenwood. Rest assured that you will not receive advertisement texts and your phone number will remain private. You may choose to opt out at any time by messaging ‘stop’ to the above number.

TerraCycle Contest going through May 1, 2018!
1. Collect at home and make sure teacher name is marked on the bag 2. Send labeled bag into school in a bag with kids 3. Place in contest bin that is located between Library and Gym.
More info on TerraCycle here:

Have a terrific week and thank you for your support!

Looking Ahead:
11/14-11/17-1:05 Dismissal-Conferences
11/14-School Picture Make-Up Day
11/14-FINS Dining Out Initiative
11/16-Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast
11/17-Yankee Candle Pick Up
11/17-Clothing Drive
11/20-Yearbook Online Sales Start
11/23-11/24-School Closed-Thanksgiving
12/1-Spirit Day
12-5-12/7-Holiday Shop
12/6-AW Holiday Concert, 7pm
12/7-Holiday Shop Night Event, 5-7pm
12/14-PTG Meeting, 7pm
12/21-Winter Class Parties
12/22-Spirit Day
12/23-Winter Recess Starts
12/28-House of Bounce Family Fun Event


Pretzel & Popcorn Sale Order Form!

WEDNESDAY is Pretzel & Popcorn Sale delivery day at Allenwood. If your child would like pretzels from Philly Soft Pretzel Factory or individual bags of SkinnyPop, orders must be sent into school by this MONDAY, 11/13. No same day orders will be taken. The order form can be found here.


Square1 Art Fundraiser Info!


Pretzel & Popcorn Day

Mark your calendar as next Wednesday, 11/15 will be ½ day Pretzel & Popcorn Day at Allenwood. Order form here!  Orders due by MONDAY, 11/13!


Clothing Donations needed for Nurse’s Office

While off of school, don’t forget to clean some closets!
If you happen to come across any clean, gently used adjustable/drawstring pants in sizes for K-5, Nurse Kristen would appreciate the donation!
Feel free to send in these items with your child with a note attached stating that they are for the school nurse. Thank you!


New! Remind App Launch

Get important updates in the way that’s most convenient for you!

REMIND APP LAUNCH – We have launched Allenwood PTG Remind notifications as of November 1st. “Remind” is a free secure app that can be downloaded to any iPhone or Android device. To participate in receiving Allenwood PTG text message reminders, simply text 81010 with the message @allenwood. Rest assured that you will not receive advertisement texts and your phone number will remain private. You may choose to opt out at any time by messaging ‘stop’ to the above number.


Dragon News: Week of 11/6 at Allenwood

Hello Allenwood Families! Welcome to November!

Thank you to everyone who volunteered and supported our Fall Book Fair. The Zanette Family was the lucky winner of our Basket of Books Raffle for purchasing book(s) at the Book Fair for Mrs. Wisher! Over 70 books were purchased by Allenwood Families during the Fair and donated to our wonderful teachers for their classroom libraries!

The Allenwood PTG November Newsletter has been published! Paper copies have been sent home. Digital format can be found here.

Get important updates in the way that’s most convenient for you! REMIND APP LAUNCH – We have launched Allenwood PTG Remind notifications as of November 1st. “Remind” is a free secure app that can be downloaded to any iPhone or Android device. To participate in receiving Allenwood PTG text message reminders, simply text 81010 with the message @allenwood. Rest assured that you will not receive advertisement texts and your phone number will remain private. You may choose to opt out at any time by messaging ‘stop’ to the above number.

For those students who missed picture day or would like a re-take, make up picture day is scheduled for 11/14.

FINS is our November Dining Out Night on 11/14. Any FINS location, 11am-9:30pm. More info here.

Mark your calendar as next Wednesday, 11/15 will be ½ day Pretzel & Popcorn Day at Allenwood. More details here!

While off of school, don’t forget to clean some closets! We will be having a clothing drive on 11/17.

The Fourth Grade Staff is organizing a Thanksgiving Food Drive! All cans and non-perishable items can be dropped off in the Main Office November 1-17.

Just a reminder that this week, school will be CLOSED on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday!

Have a great week!

Looking Ahead:
11/7-School Closed-In Service
11/9-11/10-School Closed -NJEA
11/14-11/17-1:05 Dismissal-Conferences
11/14-School Picture Make-Up Day
11/14-FINS Dining Out Initiative
11/16-Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast
11/17-Yankee Candle Pick Up
11/17-Clothing Drive
11/20-Yearbook Online Sales Start
11/23-11/24-School Closed-Thanksgiving