[embeddoc url=”https://www.awptg.org/files/2022/05/Fifthgrade.pdf” download=”all”]
To order a yard sign visit: https://digitalpto.wufoo.com/forms/pw9ghg20c68z15/
To order a Fifth Grade Farewell Note visit: https://digitalpto.wufoo.com/forms/pw9ghg20c68z15/
Planning for the 5th grade picnic at Howell Pointe Swim Club on Monday, June 13 is well underway! It is going to be a great day filled with fun activities & swimming for all the 5th graders.
The PTG has generously offered to cover the $34.00/ per student admission to the swim club that includes food & drinks for all the 5th grade students attending. The planning committee would like to add some additional activities to the day including a photo booth at the swim club and Kona Ice Truck (for when the students arrive back at the school.)
However, we need additional funds to do this. In the interest of everyone’s busy Spring schedules, in lieu of fundraising, we are requesting a donation from each 5th grade family to cover the gap in funds. The suggested amount is $20.00, but we would appreciate any amount you can donate. Please venmo your CPO or send in donations at Attn: PTG 5th Grade Fund.
Also, parents, we welcome you to attend the picnic to help and celebrate the end of 5th grade with your child. In order to attend, there will be a $34.00 entrance fee to cover the cost of your food & drinks. Please note you must sign up prior to the picnic. There will be no walk-up admission. If you have interest in attending & helping, please sign up at https://digitalpto.wufoo.com/forms/p4emvie11s8oqk/ by June 4th.
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